Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Presentation on the 14th of september.

Today we had our presentation on terrorism, and while I was not fully prepared, as I had not rehearsed my subject enough to know it by heart, I feel like the presentation was satisfactory. I froze up for a bit in the middle of it, due to my social anxiety, but I managed to resume.My specific subject was the terror organization IS, and the conflict surrounding it.
The subject we talked about was terrorism, which is always intriguing to discuss, due to the constantly changing nature of the subject. For example, there was a thwarted attempted terrorist attack just a couple of days before our presentation, and while we did not have time to include it in the presentation, our teacher mentioned it after we were done.

if you wish to read more about the IS conflict, you can do so on these sites:
some info regarding the founding of IS: